Sunday, December 27, 2009

Christmas day!

Mum, dad and myself traveled through to Nelspruit on Christmas eve to spend Christmas with Cristo and Lee. The roads going down were quite hectic but we thankfully made it there in one piece.

Christmas day was very relaxed though mom had ants in her pants as she couldn't wait to start opening presies. I am wondering it it is true what they say, that as one ages, one reverts back to childlike behaviour :D, just kidding:)

I once again had the privilege of reading from the Bible before we opened our presents. I read Psalm 51 and tried to explain what kind of man David had been before he fell, how he was so remoresful of his sin and how graciously God forgave him and even referred to him as 'a man after His own heart'. I then brought Christ and the reason for His birth into the picture and explained that if David could have been restored, so can we, through Christ's Blood! I don't know about anyone else but I was blessed afresh by this passage. It is amazing how God's Word is living, never outdated!

Lee wrapped a whole lot of small gifts into a big box for Cristo and it was quite funny watching him scratch through all the newspaper to find the next gift!

Cristo & Lee bought me this T-shirt to wear when I go out in public, I am looking forward to seeing reactions. I wonder how many people will actually catch it!

We had quite a feast for Christmas lunch. Glazed ham, stuffed turkey, the works. Though the four of us did not sleep that night as we took turns all night for the bathroom! Lee was fine and she didn't have any turkey stuffing so we concluded that it was mum's stuffing that gave us all a good clean out.

1 comment:

Jacqui Cunningham said...

Hi Debs, I've updated my "Follower" tool on our blog, just for you!
lots of love,