Friday, October 29, 2010

David & Vonè's Wedding

After spending a lovely day at the lodge, all the guests gathered under the beautiful big fig tree were the ceremony took place!

Very unique pulpit from which Nicki preached a fabulous message!
Kea did Vonè & her bridesmaids makeup

David nervously waiting for his bride...

Beautiful Vonè with her dad. David's mom made her dress as well as the bridesmaids dresses

Vonè's lovely bridesmaids

"Is there still time to run?"

How wonderful to know that a marriage does not only involve two people but it includes God who is not only part of it but is the Head of it!

May the Lord bless this union & use it for His ultimate glory!

Married at last!!!
After performing the ceremony, Nicki took on the role as photographer.

David & Vonè each made their own rings, very special!

What can I say? "Only one pretty face in this one":)
The venue was beautifully decorated

The table decorations were very unusual

These two faces just complete the picture...

Privileged to have a photo taken with the bride and her groom!

I shamelessly took to the dance floor in my electric wheelchair and had a ball but thankfully (as far as I know) there are no photos to prove my reckless behaviour.

I even "stood" in line with all the other single ladies to try and catch the bride's bouquet. Though, ofcourse I missed. However the lady who did catch it very kindly gave it to me!

Nelstroom Weekend

I know that I have been very slack with my blogging of late but with the amount of work that I have had to deal with over the past few months left me with no time at all to blog, was simply too tired. But, our Lord is so very faithful, things have changed and I am now back to doing just my usual job again, which is hectic enough but having experienced the pressure of a double load, I am left feeling very thankful and content with my present job.
The fact that I have spoilt myself with a lovely niffty little camera will help ensure that I become a more faithful blogger!

Last weekend the six of us had the privilege of attending a bush wedding at a lovely lodge in Nelstroom. David & Vonè (Jewelry Manufacturers in Polokwane) finally decided to tie the knot after five years.
It truly was an unforgettable weekend and the bond between myself and my christian family was even more firmly cemented.

Saturday morning was self catering and we enjoyed a brunch prepared by Mike, Kea, Wendy and Shannon. Nicki's job was supervising and I made sure that Nicki did a good job.

Surely you can't get better than this?

Our happy 'Wolfman'

A picture says a thousand words...

Mike and Kea kindly insisted on taking my electric wheelchair along. Though very heavy and cumbersome, Mike and Kea ensured that I always had it when I needed it! It really gave me much independence and I enjoyed going off on my own along little bush paths.